Combo-Breaker Questions for Agile Mentors

If you help others grow, this two questions might interest you.
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Question #1: “What did you learned?”
Why it matters: opportunities for improving things around get lost every time we emphasized on getting results only.
When to ask this: every time your mentee tells you about something they have done.
Pro tip: you can ask “And how might you apply this learning in the future?” as a follow-up question to help cement that hard-earned wisdom.
Question #2: “What’s your hypothesis?”
Why it matters: opportunities for making impact at work get lost every time we emphasized on completing tasks only.
When to ask this: every time your mentee tells you about something important they plan to do.
Hypothesis Template: “We believe if we do (this action) we will achieve (this benefit); and we are going to measure it with (this metric).”
🤘Yes, you've got this!
Use these questions to break the status quo and time-travel with others:
- Q1: What did you learned? = reap the goodness from the past; and
- Q1: What's your hipothesis? = plant the seeds for the future 🔮.
Have a power-question you always use while mentoring others? Share your Jedi-trick in the comments below 💬
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